Wednesday, April 21, 2010

After-thoughts about Harrogate 2010

I'm on my way to Bradford airport in Leeds thinking, "it's been a memorable visit." Despite the cloudy weather on my final day, I can't complain since I've been promised cloudy, windy and rainy over the past week. Still I got two sunny days as a token of friendship from the town of Harrogate. The town does have this friendly atmosphere. People are warm with smiley faces wherever you go. It's taken me one day to feel at home.

I panic on the bus when I realize that 50-pound notes aren't accepted.  Oh my, I have no change for my ticket to the airport. I'm bogged down with my luggage with only 15 minutes to find a solution. I get off the bus running down to a small cafe, bumping into chairs and apologizing. The shop assistant gives me change for a fifty giving me 'all' the change she has. She doesn't even ask me to buy a cookie, which I was ready to do anyway. Goodbye Harrogate .. I'm going to miss you,

Friday, April 2, 2010

My favorite singer

I'm nearby ElSaqia (ElSawi culture wheel) on Mar 31 waiting for Haggar's appearance for his monthly performance on ElSaqial's stage. It's exciting to see my favorite singer for the second month in a row. The same time a month ago I was in the middle of an episode. Today I'm fully recovered -- I hope. Alhamdulillah.

The kind beat the unkind

I texted my boss about my visa acceptance and the possibility of resuming work right after I come back. She reassured me that I surely can. She's the kindest. She manages with a style. I'm lucky to be where I am now.

Beginner's Luck

I applied for a visa to the UK on March 30 & got it on March 31. That's unprecedented. I raise my hat to all who made this possible. Admirable coordination job went on. All that remains is for me to pack. The right way: identify what's essential and what's not. No need for extra luggage on a business trip. Or is it a convalescence trip after 6 weeks of feeling under the weather? I've made it just in time for Harrogate. Yuppi!